What are the most common STDs? - Fox News

What are the most common STDs? - Fox News

What are the most common STDs? - Fox News

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:00 AM PST

More than 1.7 million cases of chlamydia were reported in 2018.

About 580,000 gonorrhea cases were reported in 2018.

About 35,000 cases of the most contagious forms of syphilis were reported in 2018.

Fortunately, many STDs can be cured with antibiotic before leading to some of their more serious complications.

If left untreated, syphilis can result in blindness, hearing loss and neurological problems. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.

Here is a look at the diseases chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.


Syphilis. (FILE)

Syphilis. (FILE)

Health officials have been increasing worried about the rise of congenital syphilis, a disease becoming more common in America.

In January, New Mexico health officials ordered more screenings of pregnant women for syphilis.

Congenital syphilis is a disease that occurs when a mother with sexually transmitted syphilis passes the infection on to her baby during pregnancy.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that congenital syphilis has increased annually in the United States since 2012, resulting in severe health complications and deaths among newborns.

New Mexico has the eighth-highest rate of congenital syphilis cases, the Department of Health said.

There were 23 cases in New Mexico in 2018 as of Dec. 30, up from 10 in 2017, including two that resulted in deaths, the department said.

Under the order, medical professionals must test all pregnant women in their first and third trimesters and again at delivery, the department said.

Many people with syphilis do not have any symptoms or the symptoms may be very mild and similar to those of other health problems, the department said. "The only way for anyone to know for sure if they have syphilis is to get tested."

Last year, California became concerned with a similar pattern.

Congenital syphilis cases in the state were 14 percent higher than the previous year and nearly 900 percent higher than in 2012.

There were 22 stillbirths or neonatal deaths because of syphilis last year, the California Department of Public Health reported.


Chlamydia. (FILE)

Chlamydia. (FILE)

Amid public health funding cuts and clinic closures, the three most common sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise as U.S. infections increase.

In Hawaii, the increase is believed to be linked to online dating.

Last year in Utah County, health officials there were 1,257 reported cases of chlamydia last year, making a chlamydia diagnosis more common than influenza.

As the Provo Daily Herald reports that means sexually transmitted diseases were some of the most-diagnosed infectious diseases in 2018 in Utah County.


Gonorrhea (FILE)

Gonorrhea (FILE)

Health officials say gonorrhea is now more drug-resistant with one treatment option remaining out of the five recommend methods available in 2006.

Officials say the sexually transmitted disease has bacteria that could affect the reproductive tract, eyes, throat, mouth and rectum.

In the state of Washington, state health officials confirmed a gonorrhea outbreak confined to a single county last summer.

The Union-Bulletin reported  27 cases were confirmed in Walla Walla County, about 250 miles southeast of Seattle.

Health officials say in the same time span a year before there were only six reported cases.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Where do Lehigh Valley’s counties fall among those in Pa. with highest STD rates? - lehighvalleylive.com

Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:00 AM PST

Combined cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis have reached an all-time high in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A CDC statement issued at the end of 2019 attributes the rise to a number of factors. Fewer young people and fewer gay or bisexual men use condoms, according to the statement. Funding cuts at the state and local levels have led to closing sexually transmitted disease clinics and have reduced access to care. Drug use, poverty, stigma, and unstable housing all reduce access to STD prevention and care, according to the statement.

So where does the Lehigh Valley fall? How do Northampton and Lehigh counties stack up to the other counties in Pennsylvania when it comes to STD rates? The Pennsylvania Department of Health tracks STD rates for each county in Pennsylvania on its EDDIE database. The database was updated in late 2019 with the STD rates from 2018.

The following statistics are the combined rates of STD per county for 2016, 2017 and 2018. We list the total cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis per county and the rate of cases per 100,000 residents over that three-year period. You can see which counties have the highest rates per 100,000 residents of STDs at the end of each list.

Chlamydia is the most frequently reported STD in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About one in 20 sexually active young women aged 14-24 years has chlamydia, the CDC says. Infections resulting from the disease can lead to serious health problems.

20. Sullivan County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 579.3

Total cases: 106

19. Montour County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 399.2

Total cases: 219

18. Mifflin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 344

Total cases: 478

17. Columbia County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 372.1

Total cases: 736

16. Lawrence County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 350.8

Total cases: 914

15. Indiana County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 387

Total cases: 990

14. Mercer County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 352.2

Total cases: 1,181

13. Lycoming County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 359.4

Total cases: 1,232

12. Lebanon County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 320.8

Total cases: 1,347

11. Centre County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 459

Total cases: 2,235

10. Luzerne County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 345.6

Total cases: 3,288

9. Erie County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 400.7

Total cases: 3,297


Cases per 100,000 residents: 394.6

Total cases: 3,593

7. York County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 363.4

Total cases: 4,862


Cases per 100,000 residents: 472.4

Total cases: 5,186

5. Dauphin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 650.2

Total cases: 5,374

4. Berks County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 451.3

Total cases: 5,654

3. Delaware County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 538.7

Total cases: 9,120

2. Allegheny County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 461

Total cases: 16,903

1. Philadelphia County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 1,295.7

Total cases: 61,326

Gonorrhea is also very commonly reported in the U.S. More than a million new gonococcal infections occur in the United States each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many carriers of the disease don't feel its symptoms but gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health problems in both women and men, according to the CDC.

20. Sullivan County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 71

Total cases: 13

19. Lebanon County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 46.9

Total cases: 197

18. Cambria County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 56.6

Total cases: 226

17. Franklin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 51.2

Total cases: 237

16. Lawrence County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 104.4

Total cases: 272

15. Fayette County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 73

Total cases: 288

14. Mercer County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 102.6

Total cases: 344

13. Cumberland County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 47.7

Total cases: 358

12. Luzerne County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 48.9

Total cases: 465

11. Beaver County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 99.3

Total cases: 495

10. Erie County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 107.1

Total cases: 881

9. Berks County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 78.9

Total cases: 988


Cases per 100,000 residents: 91.4

Total cases: 1,003


Cases per 100,000 residents: 116

Total cases: 1,056

6. York County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 82.8

Total cases: 1,108

5. Montgomery County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 51.5

Total cases: 1,275

4. Dauphin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 210.4

Total cases: 1,739

3. Delaware County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 140.6

Total cases: 2,380

2. Allegheny County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 160.1

Total cases: 5,872

1. Philadelphia County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 453.5

Total cases: 21,465

Men who have sex with men are most likely to contract syphilis. This group constitutes about two-thirds of all cases, although the rate is on the rise for heterosexual men and women, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The disease appears at first as small sores and then can progress to rashes or lesions. It takes about 21 days for symptoms to appear, although they can come as soon as 10 days and last up to 90 days.

20. Franklin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.4

Total cases: 11

19. Lebanon County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.9

Total cases: 12

18. Butler County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.3

Total cases: 13

17. Washington County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.1

Total cases: 13

16. Westmoreland County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 1.5

Total cases: 16

15. Erie County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.8

Total cases: 23

14. Cumberland County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.3

Total cases: 25

13. Luzerne County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 3

Total cases: 29


Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.4

Total cases: 31


Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.2

Total cases: 35

10. Chester County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.4

Total cases: 37

9. Berks County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.7

Total cases: 46

8. Bucks County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 2.9

Total cases: 54

7. York County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 4.1

Total cases: 55

6. Lancaster County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.6

Total cases: 58

5. Dauphin County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 9

Total cases: 74

4. Montgomery County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 3.2

Total cases: 80

3. Delaware County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 6.5

Total cases: 110

2. Allegheny County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 5.5

Total cases: 203

1. Philadelphia County

Cases per 100,000 residents: 27.3

Total cases: 1,294

Rudy Miller may be reached at rmiller@lehighvalleylive.com. Follow him on Twitter @RudyMillerLV. Find Easton area news on Facebook.


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