
Signs and Symptoms Of HIV in Men & Women? | Metropolis TruHealth Blog

hiv symptoms after :: Article Creator 5 RARE Symptoms Of HIV & How To Beat Them! If you or someone you know has HIV, you're probably well aware of the problems it can cause. From the flu-like conditions of the acute stage to the infections of the chronic stage and the serious immune problems of AIDS, the progression of HIV comes with more than its fair share of struggles and challenges. Fortunately, with a comprehensive lifestyle approach, proper medication, and a positive attitude, many people with the condition are living happy, healthy lives. But did you know that other issues may crop up? Some that aren't as common as the symptoms we've come to understand? If you aren't familiar with some of the rare symptoms and conditions of HIV, now's the time to get informed.  Here are five rare issues of HIV, and what you can do to beat them! 1. Lipodystrophy A condition where your body fat is abnormally distribu

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

acute hiv fever :: Article Creator The Stages Of HIV Infection Key points If treatment is not taken, seroconversion is followed by asymptomatic HIV, symptomatic HIV and AIDS. However, effective HIV treatment profoundly changes the course of infection. With treatment, you can live with chronic HIV infection for decades. The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each have their own definitions of the stages of infection. Most descriptions of the stages of HIV infection describe the natural history of HIV, in other words how, over time, the disease progresses in people who are not taking HIV treatment. They show how HIV progressively attacks and weakens the immune system, eventually leading to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). This is not what happens to people who take effective HIV treatment (antiretroviral therapy). These medications can keep the virus under control and stop a decline in he

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of HIV in Women?

hiv symptoms 4 days after exposure :: Article Creator What Does An HIV Rash Look Like? A rash can be an early symptom of HIV, but HIV can also increase the risk of developing different types of rashes. The rash may be discolored and include mild itchiness. People who develop a rash and believe they may have had exposure to HIV should seek medical advice. If an HIV infection is present, treatment can help manage it effectively. HIV transmits from one person to another when bodily fluids come into contact with each other. These include blood, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and breast milk. Exposure to HIV can happen if a person has sex or shares needles with someone who has the virus. In this article, find out what an HIV rash looks like, what causes rashes linked to HIV, and what to do if they happen. The following images here show some ways in which HIV may affect the skin. No single rash is specific to HIV. As HIV inv

HIV and AIDS: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More

discharge gonorrhea symptoms :: Article Creator Do I Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection Or Something Else? Yeast infections can be uncomfortable, but they're usually not serious. You may have itching or irritation in or around your vagina, as well as a thick, white discharge. In many cases, an antifungal treatment will clear up your symptoms. If you're not sure whether you have a yeast infection or something else, it's important to see a doctor for the right diagnosis and treatment. If you don't have a yeast infection, antifungals won't help you get better. They can actually prolong the problem because the real cause will continue to get worse. A yeast infection is a fungal infection of the vagina and vulva — the outside parts of the vagina. Anyone with a vagina can get a yeast infection. These infections are so common that up to 75% of people who were assigned female at